Welcome To
McLouth United Methodist Church
We invite you to join all of us as we journey in Christian discipleship, engage in making our world a better place, and spread the message of God’s love to all!
Our Mission
Our mission at
McLouth United Methodist Church is to:
serve God, serve family, serve friends,
serve neighbors and serve community,
in order to lead people to Jesus Christ.
Every Sunday we bring a message of hope. The only hope is found in Jesus.
Regular Sunday Services are:
Traditional Worship Service: 11:00 a.m.
Serving & Getting Involved
Bible Study
Thursday Mornings at 10:00 am is Bible Study. In-depth teaching of the Bible.
Sunday School
Sunday’s are the
time for adults and children to gather in the Parlor at 9:45 am.
Men’s Breakfast
Join us at 7:30 am in the basement!
(1st Saturday of each month during school year)
We invite all graduating high school seniors, college students, and vocational/technical school students to apply for a scholarship!
Click the button to the left for the full list of eligibility requirements and to download the application.
Applications due to the church by July 1, 2023.
Upcoming Events
Please mark your calendar!
Stay tuned for future events!
We Are Social
Church is not a building. We extend God’s love to our
community and online through all our social media channels.
Visit McLouth UMC This Sunday
McLouth UMC
400 South Summit St., McLouth, KS 66054
Email: office@mclouthumc.com
Phone: 1-913-796-6589